Tickets In the next city, the next country, the next language , ariel rosé and Uljana Wolf in reading and conversation with Karolina Golimowska (moderation) in Berlin

In the next city, the next country, the next language ariel rosé and Uljana Wolf in reading and conversation with Karolina Golimowska (moderation) 17.03.24 in Berlin, Lettrétage

Sonntag 17.03.24
Einlass: 19:30, Beginn: 20:00
Lettrétage, Veteranenstr. 21, 10119 Berlin

Tickets – In the next city, the next country, the next language Berlin


Whereas Uljana Wolf’s first poetry collection, KOCHANIE TODAY I BOUGHT BREAD (2005) was inspired by a Polish-German translation workshop and explored the silences and gaps in German-Polish history during time spent in Kraków and Silesia, ariel rosé’s last poetry collections (MORZE NOCĄ JEST MIĘŚNIEM SERCA, 2022 and PÓŁNOC. PRZYPOWIEŚCI, 2019) were written outside of Poland — in Norway, in Berlin, in constant movement. How does changing one’s home change the relation to one’s poetic language? How does the fact that both poets work as translators influence their thinking about what home is, or origins and originals are, or whose history is to be translated, and where language belongs – and according to whom?

In conversation with translator Karolina Golimowska, ariel rosé and Uljana Wolf will read from their work in German, Polish and English and speak about the politics of translation, translanguaging, and exophonic writing.

Uljana Wolf will read MUTTERTASK (MATRJOSCHKA section and a few from MUTTERTASK section); the new PALACE OF THE REPUBLIC cycle as well as selections from FALSCHE FREUNDE (DICHTIONARY). And also a few poems from KOCHANIE, ICH HABE BROT GEKAUFT. ariel rosé will read from PÓŁNOC. PRZYPOWIEŚCI (North Parable) and MORZE NOCĄ JEST MIĘŚNIEM SERCA (the sea at night is a muscle of the heart) as well as some new poems – in Polish and in translation to German by Michael Krüger and Marlena Breuer. They have a special way of reading which turns into melorecitation.

Uljana Wolf, geboren 1979, Lyrikerin, Übersetzerin, lebt in Berlin. Sie veröffentlichte fünf Gedichtbände, zuletzte MUTTERTASK (kookbooks 2023) und den Essayband ETYMOLOGISCHER GOSSIP (kookbooks 2021), ausgezeichnet mit dem Preis der Leipziger Buchmesse in der Kategorie Sachbuch/Essayistik. Als Lyrikübersetzerin übertrug sie Gedichtbände aus osteuropäischen Sprachen und dem Englischen, u.a. von Christian Hawkey, Eugene Ostashevsky, Valzhyna Mort und zuletzt DMZ KOLONIE von Don Mee Choi (Spector Books 2023), nominiert für den Internationalen Literaturpreis des HKW und den Preis der Hotlist Unabhängiger Verlage. Im Wintersemester 2019 hatte sie die August-Wilhelm-von-Schlegel-Gastprofessur für Poetik der Übersetzung an der FU Berlin inne, und im Mai 2022 kuratierte sie das internationale Literaturfestival POETICA VI in Köln zum Thema SOUNDING ARCHIVES – POETRY BETWEEN EXPERIMENT AND DOCUMENT. Wolf unterrichtet Seminare zu Übersetzung und Lyrik u.a. am Institut für Sprachkunst, Wien und dem Deutschen Literaturinstitut Leipzig.

ariel rosé is a poet, essayist, translator and illustrator originally from Poland, resident of Norway, based in Berlin. They are the author and illustrator of the books MORZE NOCĄ JEST MIĘŚNIEM SERCA (the sea by night is a muscle of the heart, PIW, 2022) and PÓŁNOC. PRZYPOWIEŚCI (North: Parables, Znak, 2019), which had its launch at the Miłosz Festival (both published under the name Alicja Rosé). They translate poetry and prose from English, Italian, French, Norwegian, mand Spanish into Polish, as well as from Polish into English. As a resident of Norway, ariel was invited to attend the Norway Guest of Honor program of the Warsaw Book Fair in 2022. There, they presented Norwegian and Ukrainian poetry and led a meeting with the Norwegian poet Aina Villanger, which featured ariel’s translations of her poetry. In 2023, ariel collaboratively launched BOTH SIDES OF THE BORDER FACE EAST, an international arts initiative focused on Eastern/Central Europe. The project is under the patronage of Marci Shore and supported by the Fondation Jan Michalski and the Renaissance Institute. Its inaugural iteration was dedicated to the war in Ukraine. ariel also initiated WIERSZE NIE PŁONĄ (Poems Don’t Burn), a marathon reading of Ukrainian poetry with music, to raise funds for Ukrainian publishers.

Karolina Golimowska ist Literaturwissenschaftlerin, Übersetzerin und Autorin von Kurzprosa und journalistischen Texten. Sie kuratiert und moderiert Literaturveranstaltungen, u.a. für das Internationale Literaturfestival in Berlin und das Haus für Poesie, und gibt Seminare zur Popkultur an der Freien Universität Berlin.